A: There is something we need to talk about. We assume that you are now asking us a question.

Q: It was a long time since I had channeled and for several months I hadn’t heard a voice. It would be scary for so many people to hear voices. Some people would certainly put that in connection with schizophrenia or something like that. It is difficult to draw a line between a mentally healthy person and a schizophrenic person when you talk about spiritual channeling because you hear voices anyway.

A: There are a lot of opinions on the internet about what is normal and what is not. By the way, the opinion about what could be psychologically healthy and what could be less healthy, was created by psychic energy. Something is always healthy when it is in equilibrium and something is always unhealthy when it is no longer in equilibrium or even on the wrong track. There are people who, so to speak, find themselves on the wrong side of the road in life at very high speed. Some people have no brakes within their psyche and they drive through reality at full speed. Such people radiate inner unrest and chaos arises everywhere they go. Their inner restlessness infects other people and this can lead to psychological restlessness. This phenomenon affects all people on the Internet because all people infect each other in this way.

Q: I don’t understand why some people try to hurt other people on internet.

A: There is nothing to understand. There is no law of nature that dictates that it is a duty to understand anyone’s bad behavior. It’s a question of the perspective. Nobody wants to be the victim and therefore some people want to make it clear right away that they are the offender. Many people were victims of others as children or adolescents and are then still a victim as adults and because they feel themselves to be victims, they instinctively become the perpetrator without knowing that they have actually become an evil person. Often times, they don’t even realize they’ve behaved badly or maliciously. It’s like their subconscious is doing its duty. Many people who are considered demon possessed are in truth just people whose subconscious is out of control and the subconscious controls the normal consciousness against their own will and against the healthy will of the collective consciousness.

Q: Many people blame demonic forces for the fact that such people live in our society.

A: What are demonic powers? Please explain this term to us.

Q: This is a very old term used by people who believe in God and who are convinced of the good, and these people believe that the bad and the evil is done by consciousness that is full of hate. And it is said that this hating consciousness takes over people’s bodies in order to turn people on one another. Abuse, murder, torture, rape and other bad things are also associated with it. However, there are supposed to be different demons. At least that’s what occultists and satanists tell us.

A: We already said that consciousness can get out of hand if it is out of balance. Everything that is bad will get out of control and everything that is an alarming consequence for positivity, will be a nasty surprise. When consciousness is unsuitable for the incarnation and process of the physical value of love, then it can only have a merciless and shattering effect on the positive consciousness. Not all consciousness is available to the process of physical birth and incarnations. In general, the consciousness in the multiverse that is unsuitable for physical experience is retained and that is precisely the consciousness that humans perceive as a demonic force of consciousness. Consciousness is free like the wind and does not need anyone to give it a direction, but if the body with an unsuitable mental configuration, gives the consciousness a direction, then that can only be a problem, for both sides. And that will then be a merciless wrestling match between two consciousness polarities. The result of this can be so devastating that it could be defined by humans as a demonic force. It is in any case, free consciousness, which occupies its own intelligence and freedom. And that is regardless of its actions, whether they are bad or good.

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